Event driven programming with the reactor pattern

Posted by R4nd0m 6uy on Sat 22 October 2016

I want to show in this article an example of bad practice and give an elegant solution with the reactor pattern that helped me and my team writing more efficient code.

If you use frameworks like QT, SDL, Java Swing, gtklib, ... this article will give you a rough idea about what is happening behind the scene and from where come from some limitations. I will write the source in CPP as it is a language I know well enough and is not too difficult to understand if you come from the OO world.


The example application

Let's say that for this example you are waiting for data to coming from a named pipe and want to print its content to stdout. Once the application is started, we wil generate some output by writing in a named pipe:

echo "Hello app" > /tmp/test_pipe

That will print the following on the console

Hello app

Don't forget to quit gracefully the app on CTRL+C and that's all we need!

The bad code

Here is how would look the naive implementation of this program:

bool isRunning = false;

void onSignal(int signum)
    isRunning = false;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     * Skipped initialization
    int fifoFd = open("/tmp/test_pipe",  O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
    if(fifoFd < 0)
        return -1;

    isRunning = true;
        int buffSize = 256;
        char buffer[buffSize];
        ssize_t readSize;

        readSize = read(fifoFd, buffer, buffSize);
        if(readSize < 0)
            if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
                return -1;

        if(write(1, buffer, readSize) < 0)
            return -1;

     * Skipped cleanup

    return 0;

If you don't see what is wrong here, try run the application and check the CPU usage, it should be 100% as the loop runs continuously despite nothing has to be read from the pipe. Using sleep should help to spare some resources but this is not good enough because the answer time will be in the worst case, the time you sleep. If you have real time constraints, game over!

Another bad point is extending this code, in the case you have more I/Os to read I'll let you imagine how this can get very messy... Using multi threading would not help and will bring more complexity when synchronizing them, don't do that for this specific problem!

The Reactor pattern

The reactor pattern gives a simple solution to do what we want using a single thread. The following diagram explains very nicely its mechanism:

Reactor sequence

Don't worry if you don't understand each detail for now, I will try to explain them while implementing the pattern.

Our IO handler

We will define first a small interface that reflects the Event_Handler. This object will be implemented by the user and be in charge of reading data from the handle when requested by the Dispatcher.

In the Linux world, when we speak about Handle we refer to a file descriptor, that's why we will use an int and call it IoHandle:

typedef int IoHandle;

Then we declare an interface:

class IIoHandler
    virtual ~IIoHandler();

We will need a function to pass the handler's IoHandle to the Dispatcher:

    virtual IoHandle getIoHandle() = 0;

And a callback function that will be called when data is ready to be read from the given IoHandle:

    virtual void readReady() = 0;

That's it for the interface but we still need a concrete implementation. For this example we will create a class that will be called NamedPipeToStdout. Yes, in programming the biggest difficulty is finding good names:

class NamedPipeToStdout:
        public IIoHandler

We will declare two private fields, one containing the IoHandle and one the path to the pipe:

    std::string m_pipePath;
    IoHandle m_pipeIoHandle;

Let's start with a constructor from which we will inject the path to the pipe and initialize the IoHandle to an invalid value:

    NamedPipeToStdout(const std::string& name):

As usual the destructor will perform some cleanup:


An init function will be useful to create and open the pipe:

    int init()
        if(mkfifo(m_pipePath.c_str(), S_IRWXU) < 0)
            if(errno != EEXIST)
                return -1;

        m_pipeIoHandle = open(m_pipePath.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
        if(m_pipeIoHandle < 0)
            perror("Open fifo");
            return -1;

        return 0;

We still need to implement the functions from the interface, first the getIoHandle function that simply returns the file descriptor of the pipe:

    IoHandle getIoHandle() override
        return m_pipeIoHandle;

And the callback when data in the pipe are available, we will just print the content to stdout as described by the class name:

    void readReady() override
        int buffSize = 64;
        char buffer[buffSize];
        ssize_t readSize;

        readSize = read(m_pipeIoandle, buffer, buffSize);
        if(readSize < 0)
            perror("Read from pipe");

        if(write(1, buffer, readSize) < 0)
            perror("Write to stdout");

That's should be it for our IoHandler, now we need a Dispatcher where all the magic will occur!

Our event dispatcher

We will write first the interface for our Dispatcher. An interface is always wise as it is easier to mock for unit testing. Moreover, under Linux, there are different flavor of the select call (select, poll, epoll, ...). If one day you want to change, you just need to write another implementation of this interface. As we want to perform operations on I/Os, we will explicitly call it IIoDispatcher:

class IIoDispatcher
    virtual ~IIoDispatcher();

As previously, we will define first an init function:

    virtual int init() = 0;

The dispatch function that will block as long as the application runs:

    virtual int dispatch() = 0;

A function to register an IIoHandler:

    virtual int registerIoHandler(IIoHandler& handler) = 0;

Finally a function to break the loop in case we want to exit:

    virtual int breakLoop() = 0;

Again, we need a concrete implementation. It is not the purpose of this article to describe all possible system call to peform a select, there are other great articles about this topic. Just be aware of the pro and contra of each of them to help you decide which one suits you the best.

Despite it is known for being slow, I will stick with the actual select call that is implemented in most decent modern OS. Let's give it an explicit name:

class IoDispatcherSelect:
        public IIoDispatcher

We will store the registered IoHandlers in a list, a field to remember the highest file descriptor value, that is specific to select and also a running flag in order to break the loop:

    IoHandle m_maxIoHandle;
    bool m_isRunning;
    std::list<IIoHandler*> m_ioHandlers;

First the constructor that initializes everything:


A destructor that doesn't do much in this implementation:


Despite the init function might be useful for other calls such as epoll, the select doesn't need to be initialized, so we don't do anything here:

    int init() override
        return 0;

Finally where things get interesting is in the dispatch function. This implementation is specific to select but the main idea is the same for the other calls despite the API differs. I will try to explain step by step what should be done.

First the main loop and variables declaration:

    int dispatch() override
        int ret = 0;

        m_isRunning = true;
            fd_set read_fds;
            int selectRes;
            struct timeval timeout;

For each call to select, we need to clear the set of file descriptor that is stored in a fd_set with the FD_ZERO macro:


This is where select is not efficient, we have to loop through our registered IIoHandlers and add their file descriptor in the set with FD_SET:

        for(auto& it: m_readIoHandlers)
            FD_SET(it->getIoHandle(), &read_fds);

I will explain later why using a timeout here is not a good idea but for simplicity, we will use this solution. We don't want to block in the select call forever if nothing has to be read, we want to check the running flag status as well, that's why we prepare a timeout of 1 second:

            timeout.tv_usec = 0;
            timeout.tv_sec = 1;

Finally the call to select. The first argument is the amount of file descriptors to watch, the second the set of file descriptor to watch for read, then come the set for write and exception that we don't use in this example. The last argument is the timeval struct containing the timeout:

            selectRes = select(m_maxIoHandle + 1, 

Once the call returns, we check the return code in case of error. We accept EINTR and perform the select again otherwise exit with an error:

            if(selectRes < 0)
                if(errno == EINTR)
                    ret = -1;

If select returns 0, no file descriptor was ready, this means the timeout was reached, we perform the select again or exit the loop in case the running flag changed to false:

            else if(selectRes == 0)

Finally we have to loop again throught the list of regsitered handlers to check if the file descriptor is ready and call the callback function. Again, this is where select is inefficient:

            for(auto& it: m_readIoHandlers)
                if(FD_ISSET(it->getIoHandle(), &read_fds))
        }   // while(m_isRunning)

The loop broke, exit the function with a return code:

        return ret;

That's it for the dispatch function using select!

Now in the registerIoHandler we will store the maximum file descriptor value for the select call, we also want to make sure that the IIoHandler gives a valid value!

    int registerIoHandler(IIoHandler& handler) override
        IoHandle handle = handler.getIoHandle();

        assert(handle >= 0);

        if(handle > m_maxFd)
            m_maxIoHandle = handle;


        return 0;

To break the loop, it is just a matter of setting the running flag to false:

int IoDispatcherSelect::breakLoop() override
    m_isRunning = false;
    return 0;

Now we have all the components we need to write a nice and elegant solution for our problem, the final step would be writing a main function!

Wiring all the thing

Now let's write a main.cpp file where all the wiring will be done. We will make the dispatcher local to access it from other functions:

IoDispatcherSelect ioDispatcher;

We also want to catch signals to break the loop, we define here a signal callback:

void onSignal(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *ptr)
    std::cout << "Reived signal " << signum << " breaking loop!" << 

A small function to register to signals:

int signalInit()
    struct sigaction act;

    memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));
    act.sa_sigaction = onSignal;
    act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;

    if(sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL) ||
        sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL))
        return -1;

    return 0;

And finally our main function. We will use two handlers because this is fun and to show the flexibility of the pattern:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    NamedPipeToStdout pipe1("/tmp/test_pipe1");
    NamedPipeToStdout pipe2("/tmp/test_pipe2");

        return -1;
        return -1;
        return -1;
        return -1;


    return mainLoop.dispatch();

The new status

When running the program, you will notice that 0% of CPU use used while nothing has to be done. If you do a stress test like this:

cat /dev/urandom > /tmp/test_pipe1

You will see that a lot of CPU will be used but most time will be spent in other tasks, our application will use only few resource and reacts directly when something has to be done. Moreover, you can register a big amount of IoHandlers that will be very responsive!

What can be improved

I wanted to stay simple and show the mechanism of the pattern but there are few things missing in this implementation to use it in a production code.

  • Timeout in select

Due to the timeout in the select call, we are still doing some kind of polling to check the running flag.

To remedy this problem we could use signalfd system call in Linux. This allows registering a file descriptor to watch for signal. Just know that this system call was criticized by many people and keep in mind the consequence of using it.

If you don't have this system call, a more portable way would be using the self pipe trick. It consists of creating a pipe, registering the read end in the select and write something from the signal handler. The self pipe trick is also very useful if you want to wake up the main loop from a worker thread.

A nice article about signalfd and the self pipe trick is available here.

  • Deregistering handlers

In a normal application, it often happens that an IoHandler wants to deregister itself from the Dispatcher. Especially when writing network applications, imagine that a client client disconnects!

I skipped this functionality because this is not so trivial as it might sound. Make sure this doesn't invalidate your IoHandler iterator and that you are not performing a call on a handler that was already destroyed! The dirty flag might be helpful here.

  • Other than read events

You probably noticed that two arguments are set to NULL in the select call. This is because it supports other than read event. A misconception in this implementation is that the write can potentially be blocking, that will block the main thread. It would be wiser to use non blocking write and register to write event on EWOULDBLOCK error. When writing is possible again, you will be informed by the Dispatcher.

  • Signals and timers handlers

I tried to name my things with the IO keyword because I only wanted to handle I/Os. However a decent main loop would be able to register handlers to catch signals and timeouts on timers.

How to handle signal was explained previously but how to handle timers? Again here the self pipe trick can be useful to wake up an object in charge of managing different timers in the main thread. Another possible implementaiton on Linux is the timerfd_create system call that, as the signalfd flavor, it permits watching timers through a file descriptor.

Going further with the reactor pattern

I tried to explicitly name my things with the I/O keyword because thanks to the "Everything is a file" Unix philosphy, there are a lot of I/Os you can monitor:

  • Mouse, keyboard, joystick from /dev/inputx
  • Unix socket
  • Serial ports
  • GPIOs
  • Message queues
  • inotify subsystem
  • ...

Moreover, you can write a specific IoHandler to interprete events coming from the underlying hardware and generate other than I/Os event:

  • Key pressed/released event from a keyboard, GPIO, ...
  • Mouse moved, button clicked event from mouse
  • New connection event from a server socket (accept)
  • Modem event if you are reading AT commands coming from a serial port
  • File modified, opened, closed, … from inotify
  • ...

Possibilites are infinite!

Don't write it yourself

This example is purely academic to help understanding what is behind the scene of many frameworks! If you write an application from scratch, don’t write the main loop yourself, because it is difficult to do it right and portable the first time. There are smart people who wrote libraries to solve specific problem, I specially recommend the libevent library, it can handle signals, timers, is fast, portable and the bother of choosing the right select flavor is transparent.

However writing a generic interface is always a good idea for unit testing. It should be possible to encapsulate libevent instead of the select implementation we wrote together.


After going through this small example, I hope you will agree with the following advantages of the reactor pattern

  • It is not very difficult to understand
  • It spares resources by using the CPU only when required
  • Well defined separation of concerns with different handlers
  • Avoid all the thread synchronization headaches


There are some limitations but if you are aware of them, there are some solutions:

  • IoHandler tasks should be small and fast

If you take too much time to process data, it will block the main thread and all other registered IoHandler consequently. The solution for that is, using a worker thread and well defined synchronization mechanisms. This is why also in many frameworks such as QT or Java Swing, you should not perform long task in callbacks and is even a good practice implementing worker threads in that case.

  • It brings more complexity in the code

That's also the drawback of flexibility... This is why you should define separations of concerns clearly while doing your architecture.

  • It doesn't scale well on multi processor architecture

This is true if you are using a single thread but if you doing background job, your OS will run them on the different cores! If you have a lot of connections to handle, you can improve performances by using more than one select call in different threads but do this only if you have good reasons and you did some benchmarks that showed big benefits!

Further reading

Some interesting reading that are not linked in the article:


I hope this small introduction to the reactor pattern showed its flexibility and what can be achieved! Now you understand why in Java you should write small handlers when a button is clicked and understand what is behind QApplication::exec() in QT.

The sources I used to write this article are available on github, feel free to play and extend it to have a better feeling with the different flavor of select!